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2012 In Review


2012 has been a big year for PhotoPlanning Services.  We created a logo, worked on branding, and finally launched a new website that we have been working on for months.

We also grew!  In 2011 PhotoPlanning Services consisted of Monowara and I (Heather).  This year we added Kim Garrison and Neda Delavarpour to the team and I could not be happier.  Those 2 are absolutely amazing!! 

Also in 2012 we had the opportunity to do the photography or videography for 8 weddings, 5 events, 32 individual portraits, 3 couples, 2 businesses, and we set up 3 photo booths. Thank you to all of our clients!

In special recognition to our clients of 2012 we will be having a New Years Canvas Contest.  The rules are simple have your family and friends like the PhotoPlanning Services Facebook page and then like your photograph.  The winning couple will receive a canvas of their favorite photograph (photograph must be a photograph taken by PhotoPlanning Services).

The contest will officially start this weekend when the images are posted and will close on January 19, 2013.

Take a look back at 2012:

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!




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