While Kim is in Italy today I am on the blog and dedicating it to my rabbit Miss Chubby Wubby. Â For those that know me I am an extreme animal lover.
This photo was taken in early 2005 when she was almost a year old
Miss Chubby Wubby was born on March 22, 2004 and shortly after her mother past away.  For the first 8 weeks I fed her and her 3 siblings every 2 hours around the clock.  For years she has been the best bunny.  She would sleep at the foot of my bed right next to my dog and absolutely loved the Disney Channels, The Wiggles and Little Einsteins because she loved music.  If you played classical anywhere near her she would stop and just listen.  She was by far the most intelligent animal I have ever had in that when you told her to go somewhere, etc. she would!  Many days she would get out of her cage and wait at the door or sit on top of my dresser till I got home.  If you tried to turn the channel she would argue with you and if you didn’t listen she would let out a scream until you changed it back to what she was watching it got to the point that I bought myself a new 1080HD TV and yes my rabbit had her own.
Sitting on my bed watching TV. Â This was taken in 2009.
Recently, she had a Salivary Gland tumor form that was inoperable and due to cataracts had gone blind.Â
Chub Chub in 2011
This is Chub Chub right before Christmas in 2011.
The other day she had a seizure out of the blue and past away very soon after.  She would have been 9 years old next week.  Her brother Easter who also had a surgically removable Cancerous Salivary Gland tumor recently had his removed and has no other health issues is the only living sibling.  He has been taking it okay.  We have been spoiling him with his favorite treats-Pineapple.
This Easter in 2011-isn’t he adorable.  He is also the sweetest thing!
Miss Chubby Wubby or Chub Chub as we all call her will truly be missed.-Heather