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Tographer Tuesday: Breaking into Mirrorless


Today's post is about breaking into Mirrorless DSLRs. Now mirrorless DSLRs have been on the market for years and for years we have been hesitant to take the leap into mirrorless. Why because before when comparing the past mirrorless DSLRs to mirrored DSLRs the images just were not quite up to what I wanted in a photo. Now times have changed and Canon's new line of mirrorless DSLRs have gone beyond the mirrored DSLRs so we jumped in and invested in Canon's R5 and RF lens. For those thinking about upgrading your gear or are saving up for a nice camera go for the mirrorless cameras. Mirrorless is the future of photography. Save up and invest in the future rather than investing in cameras that are mirrored because they will be great now but will not get you as much into the future as other. Next week will will dive into the new line of RF lens from Canon.

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